The P3 of Healthcare

Being a top notch healthcare provider, you must have PASSION for the work that you do, especially in the business of running an Assisted Living Facility. You spend all of your days and nights caring for others, making sure that they have the best quality of life. In addition to loving the work that you do, you must also have PATIENCE to work with people with a multitude of healthcare needs. Healthcare is truly a calling.

It is the Passion and the Patience that often taps a person on the shoulder, nudging them to open an Assisted Living Facility. At the same time, many institutions of higher learning focus more on the clinical aspect as opposed to the business side of a care facility. This is definitely a current challenge and trend in most human services or healthcare related fields.

Therefore, it is important to take the time to develop a PROCESS to ensure that all the work is getting done, both clinical and administrative. Recognize that larger companies have entire departments to handle tasks that will now fall on your shoulders. Everything from cleaning and cooking to payroll and documentation. When you embark on this journey, the following are items to consider and take time to complete.

  • Write a business plan
  • Develop a succession plan
  • Hire a consulting firm to assist you with preparing for reviews
  • Learn about employee rights
  • Know COMAR

Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!

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